

Holy Week Services

Sunday 14th April – Palm Sunday

10.30am– All Age Worship meet on Vicarage front lawn for a procession to church (with Donkey!)

Thursday 18th April – Maundy Thursday

11am– Chrism Eucharist at St Albans Cathedral

7.30pm– Holy Communion with stripping of the altar

Friday 19th April – Good Friday

2pm– Reflections of the Cross

Sunday 21stApril – Easter Day

11am– Parish Family Communion with Children’s Easter Egg hunt!!


Our current pattern of Sunday Services is:

1st Sunday
11:00am: Parish Family Communion
6:30: Sung Evensong (Celtic Worship)

2nd Sunday
11:00am: Parish Family Communion
4.00pm: Messy Church
6:30: Sung Evensong

3rd Sunday
11:00am: All Age Worship often with Baptism
6:30: Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

4th & 5th Sunday
11:00am: Parish Family Communion
6:30: Sung Evensong

Some joint services are held with the other churches in the Berkhamsted Team.  Occasional Team Evensongs are held at Ashridge College Chapel