Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

Holy Trinity strives to be present, offering comfort, care and love throughout the various rhythms of life, from birth to death to letting go. Please let us journey with you and your loved ones in good times and in bad, in joy and in sorrow. If you have an enquiry concerning baptisms, weddings and funerals please contact either Andy Smith (07791 225970) or Julie Griffiths (07831 436593)
Anyone can get in touch with us, for yourself or for a family member to be baptised (also known as a Christening). During a christening you or your child will be baptized with water. It’s the start of an amazing journey of faith and a special day for all your friends and family.
We usually hold baptisms during our Second Sunday Praise at 10.30am as this allows the whole congregation to welcome the candidate into the family of the Church and indeed the community of Holy Trinity. Arrangements for services at other times can be made.
To discover all you need to know about choosing, planning and going to a Church of England christening click here.
Marrying in church is personal, meaningful and spiritual just as you want it to be. Churches are special and unique places to get married in – the prayers, promises and the whole service of celebration become part of your marriage, on the day itself and beyond.
At Holy Trinity the building has a capacity for 110 people and the church, the churchyard and indeed The Green all make for a beautiful back drop for the special day.
To discover all you need to know about Church of England weddings and blessings click here.
One of the hardest times in anyone’s life is planning the funeral for a loved one. Arrangements for funerals are sensitively handled with utmost compassion & care to help you pay tribute to your loved one. The ashes of a loved one can also be interred in our Garden of Remembrance in the churchyard by Church Road.
For support and planning around saying farewell click here.
Often, in the first instance, if you’d like to book a Life Event or have a query about one, then contacting Rev Joe direct (via email or landline) is quicker and easier. However, you can place an enquiry by completing the form below and Rev Joe will try and respond as soon as he’s received notification.